Our social distancing family photo for 2020. From top left: Peter, Sarah, Amber, Nick, Alain, Pat, Wendy, Kayala, Laura, and Anika.
Pat is a former VISTA volunteer and high school social studies teacher. A graduate of Swarthmore College, she received an MA in teaching from Harvard , and completed Master’s course work in history at UMass Boston.
Pat served on the Somerville School Committee (1976-91) and as State Representative (1991-2005). As school committee member, she helped found the Council for Fair School Finance, which brought the successful lawsuit that led to Massachusetts' education reform of 1993 and brought hundreds of millions of dollars in new state aid to communities. She also helped found the CHOICE program, which for decades offered Somerville families the option of classes focused on learning by doing, small groups, and parent involvement. Since then, many of these practices have been adopted throughout the school system.
She was elected to the State Senate in 2005 and represents Medford and Somerville, and parts of Cambridge and Winchester.
She and her husband, Alain, have three children and three granddaughters, all educated in the Somerville Public Schools.
She is Senate chair of the Joint Committees on Elder Affairs and on Labor and Workforce Development. She is vice chair of the Joint Committee on Housing and the Caucus of Women Legislators.
See a list of Pat’s current legislation and their status here. See more information on some bills here.
Pat is a leader in the fight for:
Adequate funding for our public schools
Less testing, more learning
Public transit and the Green Line Extension
Mystic River cleanup and access
Home care and Adult Day Health
LGBT rights
Enough pay to stay for direct care workers
Named Legislator of the year by:
Home Care Alliance
Mass. Developmental Disabilities Council and the Arc
Citizens for Public Schools
Assisted Living Federation
National Organization for Women
Friends of the Middlesex Fells
National Association of Elder Law Attorneys
Equal Justice Coalition
Animal Control Officers Association
Statewide Advisory Council for the Massachusetts Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Other awards:
Dignity Alliance
Mass. Association of School Committees
Mass. Department of Mental Health
Mystic Valley NAACP
Mass. Coalition for Occupational Safety and Health
Mass. Council of Home Care Aide Services
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services
Mass. Correctional Legal Services
Mass. Council of Home Care Aide Services
Somerville Cambridge Elder Services
Awards as a representative:
Young Worker Justice Award from MassCOSH
Outstanding Legislator of the Year from Statewide Advisory Council for the Mass. Commission for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Legislator of the year, Mass. Senior Action Council
Mass. Peace Action